PYGYRG Chair Vacany.

A message from PyGyRg Chair Prof Jenny Pickerill.

Dear all,

My tenure as Chair of the RGS Participatory Geographies Research Group ends at the end of August this year. Unfortunately as much as I have loved the role I am not able to continue in it. I have served for 3 years and the RGS expects us to rotate committee members.

We are looking for a volunteer to take over as Chair.The role is very rewarding and not particularly onerous. It is a great way to get involved in the Royal Geographical Society and get your voice heard. What you do, beyond holding some committee meetings, is entirely up to you. In the past we have organised away weekends, workshops and events, but there is no expectation that particular things will always happen, so you can certainly make it your own role. I would obviously help in the transition. There is also an established Advisory Board that supports the committee.If you are interested please let me know.The PYGYRG committee does need a chair to formally operate.

